In the short 1.5-year history of the
Lamma-zine Blog, there have been over 100 contributors submitting stories and photos to this public island community website. Many thanks to all them!
But it's most difficult to get regular contributors, so we need a constant stream of new talent.
Anybody can submit a story to this blog for publication, Lammaite or not, any ethnicity or nationality, any profession and you do NOT need to be a professional writer at all. This is not a contest for "Best Story", but an opportunity to get read by several thousand people every week, even get some feedback via our forums, if you like.
Writing quickly and honestly, from the heart; funny or angry, silly or serious stories about anything vaguely Lamma or Lammaite-related is much more important than spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Full credits and email/website links will be provided for all contributors, but you can stay fully anonymous, if you prefer.
Barter deals can be negotiated, if necessary, for example free promotion/advertising of your products/services on this website.
Pictures (and videos) are always most welcome, but not mandatory, of course.
We'd love to publish short (or long) stories on these topics:
1. What you personally love or hate about Lamma
2. A new mother's look at the Lamma community
3. Growing up on Lamma
4. Retiring on Lamma
5. Inside the pet lovers community
6. Religions on Lamma
7. Lamma in the last century; 10/100/1,000 years ago?
8. After midnight... These are just a few suggested topics, anything else is welcome as well.
Contact me if you or one of your friends or acquaintances might be able to help out and write a few lines (or more) on any of these topics.