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Dickstock ~ Sat, March 5, 2016 ~ review by Nick the Bookman
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Author:  Lamma-Gung [ Mon Mar 07, 2016 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Dickstock ~ Sat, March 5, 2016 ~ review by Nick the Bookman

Dickstock R.I.P. ~ by Nick the Bookman ~ Sat, March 5, 2016

Great Music, Great People & Lovely Location

Howdy! I'm back and hoping you're all rested up. Hope your sleep has been deep and serene. Hope your siestas have been fiestas of fun. Hope your snoozes have been first class sea cruises. Of course that's based on the premise that you're not freaked by stopovers to the dark side of Fox Mulder's mind. Or that you're all tough enough to read about Niburu. And watch the "Moon Rising" DVD. And another extraordinary one called "Aliens On The Moon: The Truth Exposed". (I was calling it "...The Truth Unearthed" by mistake. Fitted my sense of pun.)

The films overlap in content, but are essential viewing for enquiring minds. If you think We Are Alone, prepare to reconfigure your cranial computer system. We've been subject to a 70+ years long drip feed of the Unveiling of Universal Truth. We are not alone. We are a gengineered species. Aliens are everywhere, but not easily findable. Some are stranded here. Some are Galactic Tourists. Many are hiding within other life forms on Earth. Our various Governments are engaged in massive cover-ups so as to take advantage of superior and extra-terrestrial technology. Do research on the three programs called "Alternative One", "Alternative Two" and "Alternative Three". The evidence is increasingly available, but you don't have to take my word for it. I'm just another conduit in the simplest sense. No spoilers, but when you watch the "Aliens On The Moon" DVD, bear in mind that the sun is a gaseous sea of protons, neutrons, electrons and photons with the volume of an estimated million earths. The temperature ranges from about 15 million degrees Centigrade at the core to about 10 thousand degrees Centigrade on the coronal surface. I pinched this description from a book about the quantum universe by Professor Brian Cox. Think about that when you watch the relevant section of "Aliens On The Moon".

And enough of that for now. It's time for The Dickstock Second Memorial Concert at the amphitheatre at the top of the seaview route to Pak Kok. Held last Saturday, 5/3/2016. Most of the usual suspects were there and a couple of new acts. No doubt you've seen the brilliant poster by Harry and bought the tee-shirt. I was running a bit late, but arrived in time for the start of Dark Himaya's set. So apologies to Maki and Gaby and also Flow for missing your performances. Sometimes it just takes a couple of lifetimes longer to waddle up the steep slope. None of that Kate Bush rubbish about "Running Up The Hill" for me. No, I'm not saying the song is rubbish. Just that I don't mind being late in the arrival sense as opposed to the departure sense. There was a new (old) song to enjoy by DH. A stunning version of "Space Oddity" by the late and lamented David Bowie. Who else will get a tribute, I wonder?

Caught a bit of Don's set with The 88's. Enjoyed it, but it seemed to unfold in a burst of ragged glory. Don told me that it was one of his rougher performances. Maybe just a bit too much Saturday night in the delivery, but hey, no one is getting a bad review from me. Boring, I know, but I prefer to save my bile for that hideous, humanoid subset of brain damaged freaks and geeks known as "Politicians". Or "One Percenters". Or David Icke's reptilian droppings masquerading as "people". Anyway, sorry, Don. I have no notes on what you played or who else was in the band.

Next up is the fabulous Midlife Crisis Cowboys. The same line up that played last year's Lamma Fun Day on the PSB. They have gotten better. At least that's what Harry told me and the aural evidence suggests that this is true. A pleasure to hear Human League's "Being Boiled" again. Ditto for Kraftwerk's "The Model". And a real treat was not one, but two tributes. A second one by Duncan Jones's daddy, David. It was "Queen Bitch" from "Hunky Dory". I hadn't heard it in nigh on four decades, but the words were lying undisturbed and non-festering in my brain. I managed to tunelessly bellow the first two verses more or less in time and tune with the band. Class songs always linger long in my memory banks, while whatever the fuck it is they call "muzak" these days goes straight to delete. Doesn't even pass go on the way to the dustbin. There was also a totally unexpected rendition of "Bomber" by the late, lamented Lemmy Kilmister. Bloody well bravo, chaps! Harry later told me he was a full-on punk in 1978. But hey, it's Lemmy (ex-Hawkwind and Motorhead) and respect is due to the Guv'nor.

Now, who's been scribbling in my book? I have two drawings. One signed by Amy and the other unsigned by anonyfem. Thank you very much, ladies. There's also a lovely paean of praise by the gorgeous Maxime. I met her and her happy posse in the afternoon while busily not selling any books by Tropicana. They're a wonderful bunch of exchange students in HK for a few months and well, take it away, Maxime: "I love (heart symbol) this community of yours on Lamma! Great people. Fantastic music and an insanely good vibe. Definitely coming back soon. Peace Love Lamma (heart symbol)." Now, don't be shy, Maxime! Tell us what you really think! Just joking. Praise always reigns supreme in my stories. It was also great to catch up with Tom again. He used to live here about a decade ago (?) Top left floor above Maria's bottom right shop near the Yan Yan Store.

Turing Apples had to cancel due to a couple of members not being in top form. Still haven't seen them play, but one day... Anyway, it just meant that Transnoodle got on earlier than expected. The usual fine flowing ferocious medley of punk and ska. Or skunk and pah. Certainly, it was an oom-pah-pah performance. Make a Bavarian Oktoberfest band sound like The Carpenters by comparison. Little outbreaks of happy feet wherever I looked. And a wonderful rip-it-up version of The Dame's "Let's Dance". I think that makes it 3-1 to Bowie over Lemmy. Probably the most joyously exuberant version of DB's oeuvre to be performed on the day.

Now, it's time for the special visiting guest band. Yes, folks, please welcome Psychos From Mongkok. They're Roger on vocals and twangy guitar. The beardy Eduardo on spanking low strung, low hung bass. Ben, rocking back and forth on the MOOG. Really tripping the crowd out in ferocious style. Fernando on the powerhouse drums. They're good mates with Shun King Mansions who blew my mind at the Secret Island Party last autumn and also at LFD later last year. Zaid, the vox and guitar man from Shum King Mansions has turned up to support his mates. He spots me and comes over to say hi. Silly me doesn't recognize him at first. He mentions his psychedelic dress from the PSB show... It all floods back! Both bands are playing at Fresco in Peel Street this Friday night. It's free. Bring your own acid. Just joking. You can't get good acid anymore these days. Hunter Thompson probably took it all with him when he departed our Vale of Tears back in 2005.

Roger describes their sound as spaceydelic garage. Sort of The Cramps meet The Fuzztones. Played in the style of The Ventures. One track called "The Dealer" is mind-blowingly good fun. Has the slow lolloping bluesy tempo of Free doing "The Hunter". Or Blue Cheer doing the exact same song. The guitar is spacetwang with the whammy bar set to 11 and leaving orbit. My single favourite 5 minutes of the show. The other favourite five minutes comes when PFM roar through a monstrous version of "Ace Of Spades". So that makes it 3-2 to Bowie.

Finally, as usual, the mighty David Bowie Knives close the proceedings. Their name is a tribute in itself but they perform the Greatest Hits with mucho aplomb. A song called "Love" (?), is the fourth they play. It's stunning. A quiet guitar solo which is a horripilatory highlight. Sean is gently sway grooving on the spot. Coaxing a gorgeous solo from his guitar. And he closes with my anthem of choice which is "You Want Me, Don't You" with it's incantatory chorus of "I believe in Rock and Roll and Rock and Roll believes in me". Honestly, it gets better every time I hear it. And of course, they did their Bowie tribute. A stunning version of "Heroes". So, that's David Bowie with four songs. Lemmy with two songs. The late Glenn Frey with no songs. Serves him right. He shouldn't have snorted the rest of the world's cocaine while ensconced in the "Hotel California"!

Makha is sitting next to me and gives me his pearls of African wisdom. Over to you my friend: "Great Music. Great peoples and lovely location to top it all. Loved it. Recommend we have more of it on Lamma". Somewhere up there is the Etherian spirit of Dick. Hovering above us. Protecting us and his fine legacy to this lovely island he was proud to call his home for the best part of two decades. Gone, but not forgotten and what a gift of a bequest you have left us. As Dan said at the first tribute concert last year, "This event must not die". (I can't remember the exact quote. I couldn't find the story which kinda went cosmically askew on me. But I proposed a scenario whereby somewhen from now Dick and Sue will be enjoying these shows as well.

And of course, the last act of the night is Jim. He uncorked a ferocious DJ set from his laptop and CDs. He was a bit miffed with me earlier when I accidentally (of course) BELLOWED! in his right ear about Lemmy. He said it REALLY HURT and he hoped it WASN'T BLEEDING! I was mortified at my crass stupidity. Still am. I left about 0200 or so to see how Marilena was doing. She'd been a bit under the weather and didn't fancy the "Stars" trek up the hill. Anyway, Jim snuck in "Teenage Kicks" and "Jumping Jack Flash" along with one of Sue's songs with New Tonic Press. Then he went deep prog fiddly with the buttons. Sounds swirly spacey and distorting in/out of phase. Lots of tribal drumming and pulsebeats and blips and the odd vocal. Or maybe that was all in my head. Most everyone was dancing at that point. A brilliant end. I could hear the music all the way into Po Wah Yuen. I was hoping equally strongly that everyone else who wasn't up the hill was sound asleep and totally wake proof. So, possibly see you at Peel Street on Friday night?

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Author:  Lamma-Gung [ Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dickstock ~ Sat, March 5, 2016 ~ review by Nick the Book

Funniest feedbacks on a BAAAD review of DickStock 2016, showing that the Lamma spirit is still alive and well:

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