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PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 1:58 pm 
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Space Stories

16/2/2016~ by Nick the Bookman

Seven. Zero. X. Three math symbols. Three subset realities. Overlapping entries to a higher unified existence. Seven is the saddest entry for me. That's because it's the number of "Moonwalkers" left alive on Earth, following the death of Edgar Mitchell on 5/2/2016, aged 85. Seven left. Down from the Original Twelve. Twenty years from now, the probability is very high that we'll be living in a world with no Moonwalkers at all. The acme/apex of our scientific and cultural history to date. Mankind's one achievement that will resonate through the Millenniums, according to the late Sir Arthur C. Clarke. When we left our Earthly cradle and took our first fumbling baby steps on the path that will lead to peer acceptance by our ET kin. Welcome (eventually) to the Intergalactic Collective, people!

Edgar Mitchell's co-Moonwalker, Alan Shepherd, was the second to die. On 21/7/1998 of cancer. He was 74 and the only one of the twelve to play golf on the moon. Stu Roosa, the Command Module pilot - the one who solo-orbited the moon while his colleagues went walkabout - is the only survivor of that mission which occurred between 31/1/1971 and 9/2/1971. The whole Apollo lunar landing programme ran from 16/7/1969 until 19/12/1972. That's 41 months for six missions (Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17). Twelve walkers plus six others in lunar orbit.

Apollo 8 was the first to encircle the moon at Xmas 1969. Apollo 9 tested the Lunar Module in Earth orbit. Apollo 10 did the same in lunar orbit. The crew got within 10 miles of the surface. And Apollo 13 was the "successful failure" when an explosion in an oxygen tank crippled the Command Module. This forced the cancellation of the planned landing as the three man crew had to use the Lunar Module as a safety raft to return to earth. Apollo missions 18, 19 and 20 were cancelled. Why? It's the economy, stupid!

Pete Conrad, the skipper of Apollo 12, was the first one to perform a pratfall on the Moon. He was the third to die on 8/7/1999. In a messy motorcycle crash, aged 69. Buzz Aldrin, the second Moonwalker (Apollo 11) is the oldest living member of this very exclusive club. He was born on 20/1/1930. The maverick John Young is the second-oldest. Born on 24/9/1930. A week after Edgar Mitchell. John Young was the first man recorded saying "fuck" on the moon's surface. He's also the first man to go to the moon twice. On Apollo 10 and Apollo 16. Gene Cernan is the second (and last to date) to repeat the feat. He was co-crew on Apollo 10 and skipper of Apollo 17. The last man to leave his footprint on the lunar surface.

One last point. As I'm primarily a music reporter reviewer as such, there should be some musical history in this story. So, here it is. Neil Armstrong told author Andrew Smith in his superb book "Moon Dust" that he made tapes of Dvorak's "New World" symphony. And some "strange electronic music", according to Armstrong's crew mate Michael Collins - the man who didn't land. The music was theremin pieces composed and played by podiatrist Dr. Samuel Hoffmann - one of the earliest and best interpreters of this instrument. The album in question is called "Music Out of the Moon". Should be down-loadable off the 'Net.

Zero is the number of Moonwalkers represented by the hoax that Stanley Kubrick faked all the footage. Not quite true. I believe he was commissioned to shoot extra footage of the Moon Landings. Just in know. Worst Case Scenario! There is enough conclusive evidence available proving he shot such film after pioneering and developing special techniques used in the four year shoot of "2001: A Space Odyssey". From 1964 -1968. As part of this Deal with the Devil he could make all his films how he liked. Take as long as he liked. Not subject to censorship. Trying to keep the secret nearly ended his marriage to his wife Christine. Interesting DVDs depicting what occurred are "Room 237", "The Kubrick Odyssey" and "Secret Space". As a counterpoint, check out the films "A Shadow On The Moon" and "For All Mankind" which contain lots of NASA footage. Some of it unseen until now. Also, there are Andrew Smith's book "Moon Dust" and Andrew Chaikin's book "A Man On The Moon". Official insider stuff. Interviews with all the astronauts, etc.

Finally, there's X. This is the Rabbit Hole leading to the Nazi colonisation of the moon in 1947. Using advanced and ET technology. Over the years, moon bases have been built and are now populated by an explosive mix of Nazi scientists, American and Russian counterparts, hybrid beings and ETs like the Greys. In this world the Cold War is a myth to cover up the fact that the USA/USSR are collaborators. The ruthless "One Percenters" are trying to control Earth and make sure that most of mankind is reduced to a slave/vassal/chattel state. Fit for breeding and spare parts. David Icke's book "The Perception Deception" has photos taken in the 1980's by the Cassini orbiter around Saturn. They show artefacts in the rings around Saturn. These objects are rectangular and about the diameter of Earth. Think big, folks!

The book also has smudged photos of moon bases and buildings. And the anomalous Aristarchus Crater, aka The Blue Gem, which has been glowing day-glo blue for the past three centuries. Possibly a nuclear reactor. There's a lot of information which is persuasive about the theory that the moon is a construct. A spacecraft. An uncensored photo of a moon base/artefact appears in the DVD "Moon Rising". This a world where NASA stands for Never A Straight Answer. So, as I said. Seven is the saddest. Zero is the most unlikely and X is the deep dark shit slowly surfacing...

It's a week after Edgar Mitchell's death and I hear this announcement on the BBC World Service. "We have detected gravitational waves. We did it". (slight hint of the odious Paul Bremer announcing the capture of Saddam Hussein about those last three words). Basically, this means that Albert Einstein's 1915 theory paper on General Relativity has been affirmed. He predicted that gravity waves would pulsate/emanate from black holes. The announcer says that the gravity waves were formed from the collision of two black holes into a larger one about one point three billion years ago. Not sure where precisely where this happened in our Space Time Continuum. I'm also unclear where the experiment took place on Earth. But everyone in the field is rapt at the news that we can now probe "the heart of a black hole" and see back in time to about a Planck's time span of the start of the Big Bang.

Meanwhile, Stephen Hawking gave the Reith Lecture on the BBC a week or so before this announcement was made. Was he trumped? Etiquette would demand that he be informed under the radar so to speak. The announcement wasn't a bolt from the blue. It had been mooted in the right astrophysical circles. Surely he knew and kept silent in his speech. He was on the BBC after the event discussing the discovery.

I'm not quite sure where this breakthrough occurred. The machine is called LIGO. For Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory. It consists of two 4-kilometre long beams at right angles to each other. Possibly constructed underground like CERN. A laser beam enters a box at the join point of both beams and travels down both arms and rebounds to the box. The difference in length of each arms is calibrated to "an order of five magnitudes smaller than the nucleus of an atom". The expansion/compression of the beams is the proof that gravitational waves exist. That's about as much as I gleaned from a once only listen to the news on the BBC. Might be a bit hazy on the details, but I'm sure they're out there somewhere on websites and forthcoming publications. And now it's time for some scary shit...

"And the name of the star is called Wormwood..." The Book of Revelations. Chapter 8. Verse 11.

I like being The Bookman. Every so often synchronicity rears up and books I don't know exist turn up for me. Just at the right time. Like this one I got from The Bar and Grill library a week ago. It's called The Return of Planet X. Written by Dr. Jason Q. Rand whose field of expertise covers Extraterrestrial Communications, UFO phenomena and cosmology. He's also an award winning music producer and as a pre-teen child he had what he calls an ET/UFO interface where he was channeled predictive and esoteric/occult information. This book was published in 2007.

It deals with Mankind's ongoing legacy with a Brown Dwarf Star. Which is Nibiru in the 6,000 year old Sumerian records as deciphered by Zechariah Sitchin. Another name is Marduk (for The Wanderer). The Planet of the Crossing is another. That title refers to the orbit the BDS takes through our Solar System every 3600 - 4000 years. It comes from behind the sun and sort of crosses at right angles through the planetary plane. Most of the other planets are roughly in the same horizontal plane orbiting the sun. Pluto, our demoted planet since 2008 is inclined slightly above the usual plane. A sort of 25 degree tilt? And a nearly quarter of a millennium year long eccentric orbit that sometimes brings it within Neptune's orbit. The current thinking (despite massive opposition from Sheldon on Big Bang Theory!) is that Pluto is a rogue wanderer from outside the Kuiper Belt and the first stages of the Oort Cloud structure. It has companions there. Such as Sedna and Xena which might provide proof one day that our sun, Old Sol, might be part of a binary star system. I feel that the most likely candidate is the Brown Dwarf Star which is named Wormwood in the King James Bible. A BSD is a small sun that sputters along its merry way, but has not reached the tipping point where it ignites. Which makes it very hard to see, especially if it's coming at us from a weird angle.

Planet X is considered to be the source of the myths of Atlantis, dating back about 12 millenniums. The Sumerians recorded its passage. It's called Wormwood in The Bible. It's thought to be the basis of the Third of the Our Lady of Fatima prophecies. The one that was sealed up and never discussed because it was too apocalyptic. Saint Hildegard of Bingen - the Mother Superior of the Convent of Rupertsberg in 1136 - wrote down her visions for posterity. As did the English seeress Mother Shipton and her near contemporary Nostradamus in the mid 16th century. The stigmata priest Padre Pio had unsettling visions about this BDS. Joseph Smith received angelic input and wrote the Book of Mormon about the catastrophic devastation to come. Sio did the seer Edgar Cayce, aka The Sleeping Prophet, in the early 20th Century. It's all over Native American prophecy, especially the Hopi tribes-people. It's mentioned in the Popol Vuh, the sacred texts of the Mayans. And in the old records of the Toltecs, Incas, Olmecs, Aztecs, Norsefolk and Finns, Celts and Chinese. You can find lots more chilling detail on the Planet-X websites. Go to Fill your head with dread.

NASA began searching for Planet X in the early 1980s. The newly launched Infra Red Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) found it in late 1983. And shortly afterwards, NASA was muzzled. No talk at all. Loose lips sink ships and all that. No discussion of any When Worlds Collide scenarios. Data gathering continued under the radar. Unconfirmed rumours say that Pioneers 10 and 11 were sent to track this Mighty Menace from Space. In 2001, reports surfaced that both Pioneers had been pulled out of their trajectories by some "unknown' gravitational force. A Brown Dwarf Star is a failed star. A rogue wanderer, its names and descriptions are legion. It circles our Solar System like an elliptic asteroid. It behaves like a comet when near our Sun. It's called a giant planet by ancient and modern astronomers. It's on a long ranging orbit and its latest appearance in our section of space could herald The End Of Days.

The Powers That Be seem to operate on a 60% best case factor. Basically, there's a one in five chance that it will hit us head on or as close as dammit to make no difference. There's another 20% chance it could pass by us while the Earth is on the opposite side of the sun. Our Get Out Of Jail Free Card. Or there's the remaining 60% likelihood that it will come close, but not too close. Extreme reaction behaviour would result in our lithosphere (our Earth crust/mantle which is about 20 miles thick) could be tugged away from the molten lower level. This would result in earthquakes like we've never seen before. Yellowstone Park would definitely explode. It's been bubbling away for some 600'000 years and is well overdue its own Big Bang.
Worse, the planet could tilt on its axis to a near vertical degree, resulting in polar shifts. The poles have moved before. Many times. The capsizing of the globe would be tidal waves on a kilometric scale. The Great Flood returns. There should be survivors. Depending on what part of the world acts as a fulcrum point. All these Velikovsky-ian catastrophic scenarios will unfold in days. The "lucky" survivors get to rebuild The Fifth Age of Mankind.

The timeline is vague. Deliberately concealed perhaps? Mother Shipton (who lived from 1488 - 1561) says that six passings of "A fiery Dragon will cross the sky. Six times before this earth shall die". The comet is meant to be the as yet (her time) unnamed Halley's Comet. Since she was burned at the stake for heresy, the six 76-year long passages of Halley's Comet through our Solar System started in 1607. Then 1682, 1759, 1835 (the birth year of Mark Twain), 1910 (Twain's death year) and most recently 1986. So the timeframe for BDS annihilation runs from 1986 until 2062. That's when Halley's Comet is due to return. The previous appearance of Wormwood is thought to be about 1450 B.C. About the same time as the Jewish Exodus from Egypt. Dr. Rand believes that the onset of this catastrophe could have begun as early as 2009-2012. (Remember he published this book in 2007). Zecharia Sitchin is more in tune with Mother Shipton. He feels we've got about another 40 years...

Well, if you readers feel we belong in a homo sapiens sapiens-centric world, all we can do is try and put a breeding population of mankind on the Moon. Plus whatever world treasures that can carefully be sent there in a controlled soft landing. If you feel that ET walks among us. Always has. (We're being monitored folks). Well, you can rest easier. Because the chances are very good that some of mankind will get a lift off the planet to the stars. Live outside and elsewhere until possible re-colonisation of the planet. Harmony living with global population in the low millions. And with luck, not a single fucking One Percenter in sight. All these comments are a scattershot approach to this subject. They're not definitive on their own, but they do add up to a fractured historical mosaic. An accumulative accretion of data leading inexorably to the conclusion of...Ooh! Take your pick. Simply put, we are fucked. We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto!

Wormwood. The definition in the OED is as follows. A perennial herb infused with bitter, tonic and stimulating qualities. It's used to make vermouth and absinthe and is also used in medicine. The more biological and grisly definition is apter. A bitter mortification or its cause. Mortification is the process by which flesh is affected by gangrene and necrosis. In other words, the process of decay and rot and the subsequent stench. Something that could potentially wipe out 90% or more of humanity deserves to be called "Wormwood". Incidentally, apropos of nothing, the Ukrainian word for wormwood is "Chernobyl". Yum, yum. Food for thought. I don't know where this story came from. Sometimes they just do, but after all I am The Bookman. It's been a pleasure terrifying you. Sleep well...

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 4:29 pm 
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 12:11 pm 
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Nick's always been a popular photo subject for Lamma visitors, sitting at Nick's Corner on YSW Main Street with is bookstall. He's also surprisingly successful in convincing these visitors to send the photos to his email account. He has no smartphone camera or any other kind of camera. I tried to teach him to use my old digital snapshot camera, unsucessfully. Being a real Luddite, it took years to get him at least to use Gmail occasionally, instead of handwriting his music reviews before. ;~}

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