My new, superfit Personal Trainer claimed 3 hours from Tai Wan Old Village to the summit and back a few weeks ago. If you did that in only two hours, then we all stand in amazed awe and astonished admiration.
But doesn't it take an hour already just to get to Sok Kwu Wan one way? Takes me even half an hour on my bike each way... That would just leave one hour for climbing up AND down. WOW!
About the new me, I've shrunk enough to hide behind that Trig Point pillar in the photo above, so you can't see me in the photo...
Still another 32.2 pounds to lose before I become officially "Overweight" only (BMI), instead of the former medically charming term of "Super Morbidly Obese." Climbing Mount Stenhouse is great for losing weight, several of my pounds got left up there somewhere in the bushes; mostly water only, probably.
So you don't have to worry, you'd have to gain quite a bit of weight till we'd meet in the middle. Another intermediate celebration will be due when I finally reach ONEDERLAND (the "wonderland" below 200 pounds, 1xx-land, in weight-loss speak a fantasy land full of health, fitness and the good life.)
Time to hit the gym and plan my next local hill climb. There are just a few left on Lamma now to conquer and some don't seem to have any paths of any kind to the top at all. Any suggestions?<HR>
11 out of 12 voters in our poll so far have been to the summit at least once!
WOW, Lamma must have one of the fittest population of any area in HK! Why doesn't this come as a surprise?
Hey, anybody ready to admit that they tried but didn't make it to the top yet or that they haven't been up there yet and think we're all nuts for even trying? The poll is totally anonymous and even I can't find out who voted. So be honest, please.