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Suspected dog poisoning - again!
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Author:  Tessa [ Fri Aug 03, 2012 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Suspected dog poisoning - again!

I ran into Sheila this morning and she advised that there has been another suspected case of dog poisoning near by the kindergarden, this time it is a black Lab called Pepper who is fighting for her life. I am absolutely disgusted that whoever has been doing this has decided to start this cowardly behavious again, especially as it only stopped last year around this time! What is wrong with this person!?
Please be extra vigilant, and please let's get the police involved early with as much pressure as last time to oust this antisocial behaviour. A united front can only help here!

Author:  Lamma-Gung [ Fri Aug 03, 2012 10:50 am ]
Post subject: 

I just got this text last night from Hans the Lamma Vet:

"There might be some Paraquat around again.
Between Fire Station and Kindergarten."

Author:  dogstar [ Thu Aug 09, 2012 5:03 pm ]
Post subject:  looks like poison! Take care of your dog

Sadly Pepper lost the fight last night.
I understand another dog also died in the last couple of days. Don't know 100% but think the same but much quicker.
It's still not confirmed to be Paraquat as there is no test a vet can do and the government laboratory that the sample was sent to takes 4 weeks to give a result. You'd think they could have rushed it through as an emergency. By the time Pepper's owner was told this all other potential samples had been disposed of.

Please take care of your dogs and use a leash and/or secure muzzle when you're out especially around Yung Shue Long, Tai Peng and snake path.

Author:  Tigger [ Fri Aug 10, 2012 5:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

My heart goes out to Vicky, and other owners. I'm stunned that this has happened again. It is just so unbelievable. Even though toxicology reports not through yet, I have no doubt that it was intentional.

And yes... keep pets on leashes,.. although if some sick bastard puts bait at the edge of the path, this hardly stops a dog from eating it!!!

Author:  naga [ Sun Aug 12, 2012 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Dog killer

Bla bla bla How boring is this getting? Yet again some sick fuck thinks its ok to kill helpless animals, sicko spineless. so the police and evidence will take 4 weeks? Thats comforting looking at what the police have to do on a daily bases on lamma , sleep,smoke, sleep oh and smoke, we have all tried before, and to be honest failed, last time records said 15 - 20 dogs killed, and what did we gain from the police and local council mayor etc ? jack shit. sorry if i offend when i say yes there are idiots out there who let there dogs shit and piss all over the shops bars etc, i have sat at Green cottage many times and seen the same dogs roaming the streets shitting and pissing and there hopeless owners just watching. think we all see this and there are Two main culprits that have 3- 5 dogs with them at anyone time, and cant even look after themselves never mind there poor mutts, well im all for the police bringing in a on the spot fine for a dog shitting in the village and the owner ignoring to clean it up. No amount of posters moaning on the forums will stop the poisonings as we have seen before. Only way to make a wave is everyone gets together on a saturday and sunday with banners posters and stands outside the police station to shame them and scare all the tourists away at weekends, hit the shops pockets and im sure the culprit will be given up LIKE NO ONE HAS A IDEA WHO IT IS PLEASE THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON TOO LONG.

Please excuse the bad grammar on iPad, and at airport rushed.

Author:  koolajay [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 2:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

i agree there should be fines imposed and restricted areas for dogs on and around the village main areas and especially where children run around, there is no excuse for a owner to watch / allow thier dog foul in a unsuitable area and do nothing about it, fine them or as locals we should start giving the owners pressure, but apart from all that there is no excuse for cowardly poisoning any animal

Author:  raulmrcdo [ Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sad to hear that. Looks like this one is seriously unstable to carry out such activities and harm those innocent animals.

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