My Lamma Forum Index

My Lamma E-zine
Art Gallery

Updated June 4, 2003
Photos by Tony Myers.
Image-processed & published by:



Lamma Artist:  Christine Dodd Myers



July 5/6, 9am-6pm: Art Sale by Christine Dodd Myers:


Artwork & prices, see below. For directions/location please tel. 2982 2443.

Viewing can also be arranged after these dates for work that remains unsold.

Along with the work featured, there are also other items for sale.



Click any picture to enlarge. To get high-resolution files of any picture, get more info,

send comments, or to add your own photo(s) to our Photo Galleries (with full credits),


Mandy - $4,000

Spirit is free - $6,000

Out of Balance - $5,000

Emotion in Motion - $5,000

Celebration of Life - Not For Sale

In Forgiveness Peace - $5,000

Brow with Chakra Tears - $5,000

Touching Base - $5,000

Crown Chakra - $4,000

Sacral Chakra With Fishes - $5,000

Speak From The Heart - $4,000

True Blue - $5,500


Sacral Altar And Bowl - SOLD

Crown Chakra Light Holder - $1,200

Light And The Dark Altar - $1,000

Be Yourself Altar - $1,000

Chakra Flower Altar - $1,000

Seven Chakra Cone - $2,500

Celebration Of Life Bowl - $1,000

Honour Thyself - $1,500

Ceramic pastries

Submit YOUR OWN Lamma-related artworks for publication on
or in the My Lamma E-zine